Hier nun unser Interview mit Simon Harvey von Demodia
Wir haben mit Simon Harvey von Demodia gesprochen über seine aktuellen Erfahrungen zur Corona-Pandemie.
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IMD: Bitte stell Dich für die, die nicht kennen, kurz vor. Wer bist Du, was machst Du bzw Ihr?
I’m the managing director of Demodia, a digital and inbound marketing consultancy. For over 20 years I have worked with mid-sized B2B organisations providing their leaders with the digital marketing and sales knowledge and best practices that they need to grow their business and maximise their ratio of new business to marketing spend. I work with numerous marketing automation vendors such as HubSpot and Salesforce to help businesses automate, optimise understand the results they get from their marketing efforts.
IMD: Alles klar. Was waren Deine/Eure Erfahrungen in den letzten Monaten? Was hat sich durch Corona verändert?
As someone that works with companies globally, I’ve seen different changes happening within different regions. Historically, the DACH region has been very traditional in their marketing approach, preferring one-to-one meetings and physical events. Companies have also been much slower to adopt technologies such as marketing automation than counterparts in North America or the UK. This has necessitated far more rapid change here. Over recent months I have seen organisations rushing to implement digital marketing programmes and techniques, including webinars, more blogging, and enhanced content marketing approaches. The best companies have used the current situation to realign their marketing budgets and not cut them. Instead of spending on events, they have taken the budget and used it to create things such as online showcases that give them the opportunity to engage with the prospects across the world continuously. They have also used digital marketing to quickly realign product messaging to align with new and emerging needs, disrupt sales approaches, infiltrate adjacent markets and take market share away from competitors. These are the companies that will come out of the pandemic stronger and fitter than their competition.
IMD: Frage 3: Was sind Deine größten Learnings aus dieser Zeit? Hast Du Tipps für unser Publikum?
For most businesses that are operating within the B2B space, the current times are an opportunity to take a step back, rethink and optimise sales and marketing approaches. Traditional processes that involved face-to-face events and meetings may not be dead, but they have moved online. Firstly, on the marketing side, use marketing automation tools to allow marketers to set-up, execute and monitor campaigns through a central point where-ever they may be located. Secondly, whilst we may not be able to meet in person, seeing and communicating with each other through body-language is still very much in our DNA. Buy a good webcam, and use it. Turn on your camera at least for a few minutes at the start of each call. Show the presenter during webinars. And include more conversational content and videos as part of your content marketing materials.
I work with business leaders across Europe helping them to understand how to adapt their marketing strategy to the current times and increase their ration of new business to marketing spend. Feel free to reach out if you would like to learn how the industry leaders are approaching their digital marketing.